New Features Of Kindle Fire Update 6.3

A new update for Kindle Fire has been rolled out with some interesting new features. For those of you with rooted devices, you will loose root access with the update, which can be regained by following these steps: How To Root Kindle Fire Running Software Version 6.3. As for the new features, there have been some new sharing, movie rental, Amazon Silk Browser and numerous other additions that have been provided with update version 6.3. Let’s explore these new features in detail, followed by the process that you can use to update your Kindle Fire device to version 6.3.

Kindle Fire Updated Features

Sharing Features: Customers can now share content from books via Kindle Fire, without having to leave the book. To share a passage from a book, just highlight the part that is to be shared and select the Share option. Furthermore, you can add notes and share the book passage via social networks by using the toolbar located in the book.

The sharing options include social networks such as Twitter and Facebook. It is also worth mentioning here that the shared part of the book will also be displayed to readers who are viewing the book via a Kindle device. The basic idea behind the public display of shared passages is to enable other users to view the opinion of other readers about the book.

Movie Rentals: The rental time for the Movies downloaded to the Kindle Fire device will now start from the time when the customer begins watching the movie. Previously the time started when the customer began downloading the movie. This policy seems fair as downloading time can vary according to internet speed and multiple factors, such as the time the customer may require to complete the download, (not everyone leaves their system running 24/7)

Personal Documents Backup: You can now backup documents to the Amazon cloud via the Documents tab.

Print Replica Textbooks: As is obvious from the name, this feature enables users to buy “Print Replica Textbooks”, for reading them on a Kindle Fire device. This can allow users to save as much as 60 percent of book costs.


Book Extras: This feature has been introduced to make it easy for Amazon customers to see related content regarding the book that they are reading, without the need to leave the book. The available details include everything from Glossary, details about the Author, reference about the places mentioned with in the book and more. Book Extras can be accessed by simply tapping the top of your Kindle Fire screen and selecting Menu -> Book Extras from the toolbar. This might be a distraction free feature for people who often like to look up some quick references for the books they are reading.

Reading View for Amazon Silk: When going through content on the internet, a lot of clutter can accompany the relevant text that you are trying to read. This feature is meant to make the relevant content more prominent, for easy reading. When used, this feature enables users to get a prominent view for desired content, while the rest of the content is vaguely visible in the background and can be toggled back to, anytime.

Kindle Fire Enhancements: According to Amazon, this update will also bring some customer requested features such as faster re-connectivity of Wi-Fi and some performance improvements.

How To Update Kindle Fire To Update 6.3

This update will be delivered over the air For Kindle Fire users. However, if you would like to download the update directly from Amazon, instead of waiting for the wireless (over the air) update, then you can download it from the link given below. You will have to use the Update Your Kindle option, located under “Device Settings” in order to install the update. See details from the below link.

Download Kindle Fire Update 6.3