Old FoxPro application in Windows XP results in an error message “insufficient memory”

Question : Old FoxPro application in Windows XP results in an error message “insufficient memory”


We have an old Foxpro application that was developped approx 10 years ago. I do not know which version of Foxpro it was developped in. Until now we have all run on Windows 2000. When we installed a new computer (Windows XP, all SPs, 1Gb memory) and then installed the Foxpro application and try to launch the EXE file we receive an error message that says “insuficient memory”. I saw that there already were som topics on this issue but i didn’t find a real solution. I would really appreciate a straight forward solution as to how we can solve this problem. Thank you!



Solution: Old FoxPro application in Windows XP results in an error message “insufficient memory”

I have an an application written in FoxPro 2.6 that gives the same error on fast machines. Nothing to do with Windows XP.

The problem is the Lists. If there are too many items in it it would give that error. Approximately 40-60 items are enough. Around 100 or more it would generate that error.

What I have done is change those lists to browse windows which would work for unlimited number of records.

Another solution is to put a slowing down timer on the items of the lists.

product.code + ‘ ‘ + product.descript + wait(.5)

procedure wait would wait n seconds and return a ”

WAIT m.sec