10 Best Cloud Storage Services Worth Using

Cloud storage is fast becoming the rule rather than the exception when it comes to backing up important and files and media content. Following are the 10 best cloud storage services, worth using to synchronize your data across multiple devices such as a PC, MAC, Linux, Android, iPhone device.


Dropbox is a widely used service for synchronizing files between numerous devices and to backup data via the internet. To backup and transfer your files  just download, install a Dropbox application and put your files in the Dropbox folder. The files will automatically sync on your designated system and devices, once they are connected to the internet. This can be done to not just sync files merely between numerous computers but also across mobile devices and different operating systems (for example to sync files between a Windows and Linux operating system). Another example can be synchronization of files between an Android device and a PC.





Google Docs

Google Docs is a famous service used for saving documents, presentations, spreadsheets,etc online (with a Google Docs account). You can also transfer files between numerous OS via the internet using the Google Docs service. However, you will only be able to transfer a certain range of file types supported by  Google Docs. Moreover, when transferring files across different operating systems, you might need certain software in e.g. Linux that may be able to run Google Docs compatible files such as a Docx (Ms word) file. DropBox provides upto 2 GB of free storage for all users.





iSendr  is a peer to peer web application that allows transferring data using p2p technology. This can be particularly useful if you are transferring a large file from one system to another via the internet. For example you might wish to acquire a file from a friend who is in another city . In such a case you can use the iSendr service for easy transfer of your file. Transferring a file via iSendr also resolves security issues as this web application encrypts and password protects your transferred data.



While iSendr uses a P2p protocol, you can transfer files in an even easier way by uploading it to the Ge.tt service. In this case your file will be saved on the Ge.tt server and can be accessed for downloading by anyone with the appropriate link. If you are not concerned much about security issues than Ge.tt is a more flexible file transferring service to use as compared to iSendr.


File Dropper

In case you wish to send an extremely heavy file you can always use the File Dropper Service. This web application allows users to upload files as heavy as 5GB.this web application acts much like Ge.tt can be downloaded by anyone with the assigned URL. However, the file is not password protected or encrypted like iSendr so this mode should not be used if your looking a secure mode for file sharing.


SugarSync is an excellent cloud storage service like DropBox and it provides upto 5GB of free storage for all users. With SugarSync your can create your own online backup for all  devices including PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry, and more. It works much like DropBox and its application is quite easy to use. Just drop your files in the SugarSync folder to save them to the cloud. Like DropBox the files can also be managed by logging into the Sugar Sync website.


Mougg is a cloud storage service to save and stream music from the cloud. It provides up to 1Gb of free storage for all users which is enough to save more than 200 MP3 files (approximately).


CloudaTag is an Amazon (web service) powered quick and effective cloud photo editing and storage service that provides up to 1GB of free storage for all users. It is less interactive than Picasa, yet it has a less complex interface and provides good tagging options such as Geo tagging.


Picasa is a widely used free photo editing and storage service, provided by Goggle. It allows organize your photo albums in a more robust way than CloudaTag with better and more intricate options.


With Box.net you can store and share your content with SSL encryption, redundant storage and configurable permissions. It lets you  store documents, media, etc.
