Edit And Save Notes In Chrome With Chrome Notepad

Chrome Notepad is a Google Chrome extension that provides complete notepad functionality within the Chrome browser. It allows instantly creating, editing, saving and deleting notes to help you streamline your online work flow. This extension is  handy for taking quick/detailed notes or copying text information from the internet and can become a  regularly used feature for Chrome OS users.

After installation, click on the Chrome Notepad icon next to the browser bar (to use the notepad).


This will open a new window from where you can create a new notepad (from the New button), Save notes (from the Save button), view saved notes (from the Open button) and delete text (from the Clean button). After writing the desired text, click on Save and enter a name to store the note within the chrome browser.


To permanently remove a saved note, go to the Open button and click the cross (X) sign next to the note.


Currently Chrome Notepad supports the following features:

  • You can create new file
  • Edit existing files
  • Delete file
  • Store files
  • Multiple language support
  • Context menu to save text or links
  • Notes can be added from web pages through context menu
  • Link can be stored through context menu

Chrome Notepad Extension for Google Chrome