error:502 Command “Auth Login” not implemented

Question : error:502 Command “Auth Login” not implemented


I need to configure a program to be able to send email notifications.  In the configuration menu I specified the IP address of my smtp server, under the username and password, i specified the username and password (which i set as internet password in the public address book).  When i test the email notifications, I get an error message “Mail error:502 Command “Auth Login” not implemented”.

We are using R5 Lotus domino mail server.  How can I enable Auth Login on R5 domino server ?

Thank you

Solution: error:502 Command “Auth Login” not implemented

You don’t normally need login to use the SMTP server, so leave it out.  You may run into other restrictions, such as relay controls that restrict SMTP sending to a particular set of IP addresses, source e-Mail addresses, destination e-Mail addresses, etc.

Try this to see how simple the SMTP send really is:
Start a telnet session
Open the SMTP IP address, port 25
Enter command: HELO MY-FRIEND
Serevr shoudl respond with a greeting, some configuration info
You may see a confirmation message or an error on your address (relay control)
Enter command RCPT TO: [email protected]
You may see a confirmation message or an error on your address (relay control)
Enter command: DATA
Enter header: Subject: Test message
Enter a blank line
Type body text: This is a test messageMore text
Enter a period (“.”) as a single character on a line by itself, and press Enter
You should see either a success message, or a relay control error message
Enter command: QUIT