Can you tell me pros and cons of using Microsoft Publisher to create HTML documents

Question : Can you tell me pros and cons of using Microsoft Publisher to create HTML documents

To get the ball rolling…

Publisher utilizes css – is this code well constructed?
Please give input on the other aspects of the code which publisher creates.
Is the code redundant?  (taking up unecessary space?)
In the world of dial-up — could the web page/s be done in a more efficient way?
If someone was limited to using Frontpage would it be wise to reconstruct the publisher document from scratch?

Some people love publisher – and it gives a one step process to creating HTML.

Publisher converts tables into images – making it difficult (from an html editor standpoint,) to edit the text within the table.

As I understand it some HTML editors do not handle some of the nesting which occurs when trying to open a html file created by Microsoft Publisher.


Solution: Can you tell me pros and cons of using Microsoft Publisher to create HTML documents

Like me, I doubt anyone with the experience you are looking for would have a copy of publisher handy to examine the HTML output.  When I have seen any HTML output from a MS Office product, it is so bloated and non-W3C compliant I just shake my head in disgust.

I have not looked at the HTML output from Publisher XP or 2003.  The one thing that really caught my eye with Publisher generated HTML was the absolute volume of code and the overuse of graphics.  The bloated page would take forever to load for a dial-up user.

If you want to publish an example page we can offer more specific comments.