Websense License Count Issue

Question : Websense License Count Issue

Hi techies,
We have implemented Websense enterprise suite 6.3 as web traffic filtering over ISA 2004 EE in our env. how ever i am facing issue with websense licence count everyday. our company has 500 nos of websense user licence. and problem is when licence count reaches to 500 after that each client connecting will not be filtered by websense. that means 501th client will be havign unrestricted access to the internet which is not accpetable. the only work arround is restarting websense filtering service every morning to reset license count to zero.
can any one help me to apply websense filtering evenly to all users?? i have arround 600 users and about 100 roaming users.

Solution : Websense License Count Issue
AS 1peterx and ehabsalem have mentioned if you exceed the number of licenses then you can either set Websense to either block everything or give unrestricted access.  

See page 13 of the Administrator’s guide to see how Websense calculates the number of users. (link for version 6.3.1)

If this excess only occurs once in a while, you could set up an alert (page 199 to 204) to email you that you are at 90% of the subscription.  Alternatively you could use these emails to justify why you need to increase the license from 500 users to 750 users.

If you want to get a seat count and list of IP addresses for your Websense users, see the following article.

One thing to double check is if you are using DHCP, that the IP address is not renewed in a time frame shorter than 24 hours.

The list of IP table is automatically cleared after a successful URL Master download or when the filtering service is restarted.  See here .