Switch To Microsoft Account And Access SkyDrive App In Windows 8

One of the most significant cloud based features of Windows 8 is the Microsoft SkyDrive integration, which enables users to instantly backup their pictures, documents and public folders to their Microsoft SkyDrive account. However, when you click on this app for the first time an error may pop-up asking you to switch to a Microsoft account to proceed further. This may not be required if you already have a Microsoft account for your Windows 8 operating system, (as explained in my previous guide: How To Create Windows 8 User Account For Local User & Windows Live User). However, if you simply have a local user, you can easily switch to a Microsoft account, (as explained below).

Step 1

In the first step, go to PC Settings. This can be done by selecting Change Account Picture from the Metro Start Screen. Once done, click “Switch to a Microsoft account”.

Switch To Microsoft Account

You will be prompted to enter your local user account password to proceed further.

Enter Password

Now, enter your Windows Live email address that you wish to associate with your Windows 8 operating system. If you don’t have a Windows Live email address, click “Sign up for a new email address” option from the bottom of the screen.

Enter email address

Once signed in, you will be able to use your Windows Live Account for saving your documents to your SkyDrive account, (which provides 25GB of free cloud storage space). You can always upgrade your free package and acquire more cloud storage space to backup more data.


You will now be able to access your SkyDrive account via the Windows Metro app for Microsoft SkyDrive.



How To Switch Back To A Windows 8 Local Account

If you would like to revert the changes anytime, go back to PC Settings and click “Switch to a local account”.

Switch to a Local account

You can also check out the below video to learn how to access the SkyDrive App in Windows 8 and the process involved in switching to a Microsoft account. This video is also available on the WML Cloud YouTube Channel.