Windows 7 arp -s access denied issue.

Question : Windows 7 arp -s access denied issue.

Hi there;

I am admin in my Windows 7 Professional and UAC is in its minimum in my 7.

When I try to add an arp entry with arp -s ip mac, I have the following error in my console.

The ARP entry addition failed: Access is denied.

I am admin. Why does this happen? Is this a known bug? Any workaround?

Best regards.


Solution: Windows 7 arp -s access denied issue.

Seems that runas does not run arp as admin but something else.

Try (as admin):
netsh interface ipv4 add neighbors 11 00-11-22-33-44-55

Where 11 is the number if the interface (Local Area Connection). “route print” will show you the list.

For me worked also the first scenario that leew suggested:
Write cmd in the search field in Start menu, right click on the cmd that is found and “run as administrator”.

But if you plan to run the script as limited user (not in admin group) you will have problems anyway.

PS. in my case, the user (without admin rights) got a bit different error for arp -s .. .. :
The ARP entry addition failed: The requested operation requires elevation.