Ultra-X P.H.D PCI2 – Solve PC Problems Easily (Part 1)

Even as a computer addicts, it’s just about time before a situation that troubleshoots computer problems; we met countless times. Most people can try several options to fix the trouble easily, but ultimately, they will become discouraged after a few minutes. However, people solving real PC problems are more stubborn. We will spend a couple of hours with a problem till the system

Nevertheless, between the swap of components and spending time to find POST errors, even a few hours may not be enough to solve your problem. In sum, sometimes repairing the PC is a task for specialists…or at least professional equipment.

It’s the place where advanced diagnostic card could prove extremely useful, such as P.H.D PCI2 of Ultra-X. It must be admitted that these advanced cards are not popular in kits of normal users but it could be an irreplaceable thing for computer lovers. Also, if you have received enough technical support calls from friends and family to consider starting computer fixing business, card P.H.D PCI2 is a great tool which should stay in your kits.

Components of P.H.D PCI2 card

There are main components you will see on Ultra-X P.H.D PCI2 card,

  1. Serial RS-232 port allows to record data remotely.
  2. LED screen composes of diagnostic tests, POST monitoring and secondary test tracking.
  3. Important LEDs of P.H.D PCI2 include reset; PCI clock and auxiliary power supply (5V and 3.3V) as well as pass LED, fail LED and skip LED for diagnostic tests.
  4. Those cubes enable users to select between 4 test modes of P.H.D PCI2: Standard Diagnostic, Extended Diagnostic, Forced Start Diagnostic, and POST monitoring.
  5. Built-in VGA port works with Forced Start Diagnostic mode, providing the support for graphic.
  6. Updates which Ultra-X announces for P.H.D PCI2 card are restored in ROM firmware flash of the card.
  7. Built-in memory allows P.H.D PCI2 to conduct to diagnose though the memory of the PC is in trouble.
  8. P.H.D PCI2 connects with the system through PCI slot.
  9. Noise pattern generator plays a role in troubleshooting the problem by making heavy loads between CPU, RAM and PCI bus
  10. These temperature sensors enable you to connect with 6 or 12-inch detectors with the card which can measure the temperature outside of any areas in your system.

A remedy for what cause pain for your computer

Diagnostic card is one of valuable tools in fixing computers because it can work even when the system refuses to boot or provide the massage on screen. The operating system is not required.

“Because P.H.D PCI2 doesn’t need operating system, we can focus on memory, CPU and hard drive by using multi-threaded commands”, Anoop Singh – CEO of Ultra-X said. “The result is isolating defect hardware as well as reducing considerably time of test section”.

P.H.D PCI2 works through customized firmware and separate flash ROM. It has its own memory and built-in video port, which means that it doesn’t need any operating system or booting specific device, allowing it to ignore any components which don’t react in the computer.

“When you fix a hardware problem, it is always a better choice to eliminate all variables”, Singh explained. “It also includes operating systems, device drivers, programs on the memory, etc…Because P.H.D PCI2 can boot from ROM and use separated structures to communicate directly from the hardware to hardware, we can conduct harsh multi-threaded tests to provide the most accurate result.

Repair common problems

CEO Anoop Singh of Ultra-X talked about 3 problems that P.H.D PCI2 diagnosed more frequently than other matters.

Hardware problem. P.H.D PCI2 conducts to diagnose hard drive faster than options based on software, usually in less than 5 minutes, Singh said. Screenshot here shows the use of Extended Diagnostic mode for a hard drive card.

“We use exclusive tests which are destructive and non-destructive to quickly identify if the hard drive is healthy, or ‘Check Engine’ light is open or not”, he said.

Discontinuous problem. Of course discontinuous problems are more difficult to diagnose. With other solutions, Singh said that you were limited to replace components and find out the matter through trial and error process, in contrast to allow P.H.D PCI2 conduct diagnostics.

“Component swap will not take you to anywhere and often lead you to more frustration”, Singh said.

According to Singh, because discontinuous problems are often related to the temperature, the ability of P.H.D PCI2 to check the measured temperature is also very important. “P.H.D performs a test designed to heat the specific circuit to help identify problems which are relevant to temperature.

Memory problem. Because of the way P.H.D PCI2 makes use of the memory, it succeeds in overcoming memory problems than other options.

 “Memory problems are often difficult to identify with traditional software and independent memory test”, Singh said.

Ultra-X P.H.D PCI2 – Solve PC Problems Easily (Part 2)