Problem: Can I make a flowchart in SSRS?

Problem: Can I make a flowchart in SSRS?

I have a SQL DB with tasks and each task can be dependent on other tasks, like I can do tasks a or b but I cant do task c until; both a and b are complete.  I want to show this dynamically on our intranet website, so I was thinking of using SQL Server 2005 reporting services.  Can a data driven flow chart type diagram be created this way?  If not how can I accomplish this objective.

Solution: Can I make a flowchart in SSRS?

Sure after seeing your example, I am even more convinced you can accomplish this in a simple report …
The key will be to set up a few task tables if you haven’t already with the data however you go about that
would be up to your specific environment.

But how you do it could be based on the business side’s SOP’s in thier defined workflows…you could set up your tables say with Task Name, A Field with a numbered task, and whether the task is done or not ie; Yes/ No and what number of the other tasks it depends on etc…this table structure can vary greatly depending on how you do your business so I won’t elaborate on this part so onto how to set up a grahical display of a work flow task, with your data ..

1. Set Up A Report With A Dataset of Fields from a SQL Query showing if a task is done assuming you have a table showing it with Yes / No  or 0/1 Fields & even task dependency fields if you have them for the project at hand …


2. Draw out a report by dragging and dropping Rectangles / Tables, Textboxes & Line Connectors and / Or Image Arrows that you can embed in the reportby dragging an image onto the layout …

3. Set Up the dependency decsion show / hide or color changes through selecting the element then either right click or view properties window while on the specific element and use Report BLOCKED EXPRESSION for each element that you drew out..

–Example of what to place in the Expression Box for The Hidden Property of the Rectangle, Textbox or Table Element you set on the Page can also be set for the Line or Image You use to connect the Rectangle Table Together.

Something similar to this …{may not be the exact scenario you have but you get the idea}.

You would set one on each of your elements and then make the determination based on the field data you pull back from your Dataset Query..

Fields!Task3.Value=”Yes” AND Fields!Task5.Value=”Yes”,False,
Fields!Task2.Value=”No” AND Fields!Task3.Value=”No”,True,
Fields!Task4.Value=”Yes” AND Fields!Task2.Value=”No”,False


Or If you Want to show all the elements and maybe just colorize the elements say Green for Good & Red For Not
Place Something Like this in The Color Property of the element in The Properties Window instead could even
use additional colors say for waiting elements for your actionables like yeloow, purple …really the sky is the limit here…

Fields!Task3.Value=”Yes” AND Fields!Task5.Value=”Yes”,”Green”,
Fields!Task2.Value=”No” AND Fields!Task3.Value=”No”, “Red”,
Fields!Task4.Value=”Yes” AND Fields!Task2.Value=”No”,”Green”


The SWITCH() Expression I find is one of the most useful ones for so many things …but there are so many more disposal  ie; using the IIF() ….

You can usually write an expression for most elements as long as when you right click it you can access an FX expression entry box or through global properties window of the element you are on.

After you do a few expression you find the fantastic uses and you get more creative.
Expression are very powerful for creativity…

Here is a link to give you further examples on different kinds of expressions: