Problem : error SQL3126N when loading data from local file to remote DB2 instance

Problem : error SQL3126N when loading data from local file to remote DB2 instance

Hi ,

I’m trying to load the data from the local file to the remote db2 database with the SQL-statements:

LOAD from “c:/persnr_distinct.csv” of del insert INTO persnr_distinct FOR EXCEPTION persnr_distinct_exc;

and getting the error SQL3126N: SQL3126N  Ferner Client erfordert absoluten Pfad für Dateien und
Verzeichnisse.  (remote client requires the absolute path for files and folders).

The DB2 version is 9.5, is running under Windows XP, the server is remote. Import operation from the local file to the same DB runs without problems. I’ve tried different kinds of the path description:

LOAD from “c:/persnr_distinct.csv” of del insert INTO isiams.persnr_distinct FOR EXCEPTION isiams.persnr_distinct_exc;

LOAD from “c:\\persnr_distinct.csv” of del insert INTO isiams.persnr_distinct FOR EXCEPTION isiams.persnr_distinct_exc;

LOAD from “c:\persnr_distinct.csv” of del insert INTO isiams.persnr_distinct FOR EXCEPTION isiams.persnr_distinct_exc;

LOAD from ‘c:\persnr_distinct.csv’ of del insert INTO isiams.persnr_distinct FOR EXCEPTION isiams.persnr_distinct_exc;

LOAD from “c://persnr_distinct.csv” of del insert INTO isiams.persnr_distinct FOR EXCEPTION isiams.persnr_distinct_exc

How have I to change the SQL in order to get it work?

Solution : error SQL3126N when loading data from local file to remote DB2 instance

since you are loading from remote server you need to specify it. This command should be:

LOAD CLIENT from ‘c:\persnr_distinct.csv’ of del insert INTO isiams.persnr_distinct FOR EXCEPTION isiams.persnr_distinct_exc;