Problem : How to solve ADM10501W and ADM10502W in DB2

Problem : How to solve ADM10501W and ADM10502W in DB2

I’ve been asked to identify the root causes for the following warnings in DB2:
MESSAGE : ADM10501W  Health indicator “Monitor Heap Utilization”
(“db2.mon_heap_util”) breached the “upper” warning threshold of “85
%” with value “88 %” on “instance” “db2cpd”. Calculation:
“((db2.mon_heap_cur_size/db2.mon_heap_max_size)*100);” = “((458752 /
524288) * 100)” = “88 %”.  History (Timestamp, Value, Formula): “()”
MESSAGE : ADM10502W  Health indicator “Database Backup Required”
(“db.db_backup_req”) is in state “Manual backup required” on
“database” “db2cpd.CPD     “.
MESSAGE : ADM10502W  Health indicator “Table Space Operational State”
(“ts.ts_op_status”) is in state “Backup in progress” on “table space”
“db2cpd.CPD     .SYSTOOLSPACE”.

We’re running on DB2 ver 8.2

Solution : How to solve ADM10501W and ADM10502W in DB2

To bring Monitor Heap Utilization back to normal either increase the db2.mon_heap_cur_size or decrease the db2.mon_heap_max_size in DB2 configurations.

Database Backup Required message indicates that after the last backup most of the things have changed and hence the server is waiting for whole set of builds.

To resolve Table Space Operational State, either add a new tablespace or file group to the current one.