Problem : Runtime error ‘3061’: Too few Parameters. Expected 3

Problem : Runtime error ‘3061’: Too few Parameters. Expected 3

[qryEditNewSummary] is a Query, If change the [qryEditNewSummary] to a “Table” , It work ok, no error. but if change to any Query, it will have runtime error 3601.
I have check the query name, and field name, everything is ok.

What ‘s wrong with query in dao??

Code Snippet:
Private Sub cmdRandom_Click()   
 Dim dbs As Database
    Dim rst As Recordset
        Set dbs = CurrentDb
        strSQL = "Select Total From [qryEditNewSummary]"
        Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)
    MsgBox rst!Total
End Sub

Solution : Runtime error ‘3061’: Too few Parameters. Expected 3

A very common cause of this error is Form References in a query.

For example, if your query looks like this:
FROM YourTable
WHERE YourField = Forms!YourForm!YourTextboxName

This query will work perfectly when run from the database window. However, the reference to the form control will cause the “Too Few Parameters” Error if that same query is called from VBA.

To resolve this, all form references must be evaluated seperately from the query.

To help you further with this, we would need to see the SQL for  qryEditNewSummary.