Destiny 2 Lightfall Guide – How to reach power cap quickly

Destiny 2 Lightfall power cap

If you want to play the end-game content in Destiny 2 Lightfall, you need to reach a certain level of power cap first. Here’s how to do that quickly.

How to reach Destiny 2 Lightfall power cap quickly

The game currently has three different power caps: the soft cap, the powerful cap, and the pinnacle cap. Power Level 1750 is the soft cap for Lightfall, Power Level 1800 is the powerful cap, and Power Level 1810 is the pinnacle cap. Depending on the power cap, you must complete various activities to reach the cap and, finally, the max level cap, power level 1810.

Soft cap

To reach the soft cap in Destiny 2 Lightfall, we recommend playing the Lightfall campaign on Legendary difficulty. Because there aren’t many missions and the solo Legendary run is optimized for lone wolves, you can finish the campaign quickly and reach the soft cap of power level 1750.

While you’re at it, open Prime Engrams as soon as you get them because they provide +1 gear that doesn’t scale with your current power level. Assume you obtained Prime Engrams at a power level of 1616. When you open the Prime Engram, you will receive gear with power level 1617. If you open the Prime Engram while you are already at 1617 or higher, you will still get power level 1617 gear. That is why you should put them to use as soon as you get them.

Aside from that, keep looting blue item drops and either equipping or infusing them to constantly increase your character’s power level. Almost every drop before the soft cap is higher than your current power level.

Powerful cap

You should focus on farming Weekly Bounties to obtain Tier 1 and 2 powerful gear for this cap. Tier 1 gear will give you a +1 gear, while Tier 2 gear will give you a +2 gear based on your current power level. Below are the various Bounties and activities you must complete.

  • Crucible (8): Rewards you with Tier 1 powerful gear
  • Dares of Eternity (3): Rewards you with Tier 1 powerful gear
  • Gambit Bounties (8): Rewards you with Tier 1 powerful gear
  • Giving Commendations to Hawthorne (20): Rewards you with Tier 2 Powerful Gear
  • Nimbus Reputation Rank: Rewards you with Tier 2 Powerful Gear with each Reputation Rank
  • Vanguard (8): Rewards you with Tier 1 powerful gear

Pinnacle cap

You can reach the pinnacle cap by completing activities and Bounties that reward you with pinnacle gear. To make things easier, here are the things you must do:

  • Complete Dares of Eternity with a score of 250K or above
  • Complete Iron Banner challenges
  • Complete Nightfall Strike with a score of 200K
  • Complete Spire of the Watchers’ Dungeon
  • Complete The Root of Nightmares Raid
  • Complete the Vanguard playlist with matching elements
  • Complete three Gambit matches
  • Complete three matches in any Crucible playlist
  • Complete weekly featured Raid Boss
  • Get a Team Score of 100K or higher in Strike.

If you do the above things after you’ve reached the powerful cap, you’ll quickly reach the pinnacle cap, which is the highest level you can get in Destiny 2 Lightfall right now.

This brings us to the end of our guide on how to reach the power cap quickly in Destiny 2 Lightfall.
