League of Legends: Wild Rift Tier List Patch 3.2a (June 2022)

League of Legends: Wild Rift Tier List Patch 3.2a

What is the League of Legends: Wild Rift Tier List ?

League of Legends: Wild Rift Tier List will rank champions based on their power levels and will be updated regularly. The top of the table shows tier S, which is the strongest champion, then A, B, and C, representing descending strength.

Tier S+ : Currently the best champions in Wild Rift! These champions are very hard to counter and have the ability to carry and win every game.

Tier S : These champions are superb at what they do. They are very powerful and effective and have the potential to carry games.

Tier A+: Strong champions. In the right situation, these champions can perform very well.

Tier A: Viable champions. In the right situation, these champions can perform very well. However, the impact of these champion is often lower than the above.

Tier B: These champions don’t have many benefits when playing them. Their impact is often lower than those in higher tiers.

Tier C: These champion have little to no benefits when playing them. They are limited to their playstyle and can struggle when trying to win games.

League of Legends: Wild Rift Tier List

Using this Wild Rift Tier List, you can stay up to date on the Wild Rift meta as well as finding the best champion for the current patch easily.

1. Baron Lane : Darius, Riven, Sett, Renekton

Baron Lane - League of Legends: Wild Rift Tier List Patch 3.2a (May 2022)

2. Jungle Lane : Lee Sin, Kha’Zix, Olaf

3. Mid Lane : Diana, Karma

4. Bot Lane : Kai’Sa, Xayah, Caitlyn

5. Support : Karma, Yuumi


Wild Rift 3.2 Patch Notes :

  • New Champions
    • Ekko (May 12, 2022)
    • Pyke (release unknown)
    • Nautilus (release unknown)
  • Leaver penaties
  • Elemental Rift game mode
  • Remake option following ally disconnect
  • New runes
    • Scorch, Giant Slayer, Nullifying Orb, Ultimate Shield, Nimbus Cloak, and Demolish
    • Lethal Tempo rune – gradually increases attack speed
    • Kraken Slayer keystone
  • Control wards
  • Dream Rider Nasus Wild Pass skin
  • Master Yi and Lulu Cosmic skin events
  • Wild West and futuristic dystopia skins
    • Pulsefire Shen
    • Pulsefire Lucian
    • Resistance Katarina
    • Pulsefire Lucian
    • Dawnbringer Riven
    • Pulsefire Lucian
    • Nightbringer Yasuo
    • Astronaut Nautilus
    • Forsaken Jayce
    • Majestic Empress Morgana
    • Sand Wraith Pyke

League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift
League of Legends Wild Rift logo.svg
Developer(s) Riot Games
Publisher(s) Riot Games
  • Michael Chow
  • Alan P. Moore
  • Christina Wun
Producer(s) David Xu
Designer(s) Brian Feeney
Composer(s) Brendon Williams
Series League of Legends
Engine Unity
Platform(s) Android, iOS
Genre(s) Multiplayer online battle arena
Mode(s) Multiplayer