T3 Arena tier list – Heroes ranked from best to worst (May 2022)

T3 Arena tier list – Heroes ranked from best to worst (May 2022)

What is the T3 Arena Tier List ?

As a 3v3 shooting game, T3 Arena will make you advance towards the battlefield, and there will be a total of 15 different heroes with T3 Arena tier list (into four tiers – S, A, B, and C) to give you their best help .

T3 Arena Tier List – Heroes , Rank and Weapon

Tier Rank Hero Name Main Weapon Utilized
S+ Gloria ZMR Assault Rifle
MD 2 Double Barreled Shotgun
S+ Victor Triple Load Shotgun – has a widest hitting spread
S+ Labula Spire Gun – has the highest velocity with some explosive spores

S Cristina Bouncy Grenade – launching grenades to fire some bouncy projectiles

S Shell Beam Weapon – inflicting more and more damage with more long hits

S Skadi Kraken Heavy Pistol
A Mark Prototype AR – launching an automatic rifle with versatile qualities to deal better within middle ranged combats
A Ossas Nightrust – this is a single shot sniper, and it can deal with increased damage

A Ruby Bolts of Fate – throwing 3 bolts from a horizontal lined shape
B Johnny Jet Power Blaster – firing spray gun for close range shots, and it can trigger some critical hits
B Sindri Plasma Drill – firing 3 flying explosive projectiles at enemies

B Jabali Super Shocket – a weapon for short range which can deal with damage in an area of a cone shaped. When it becomes close to the enemies, it can increase the damage
C Aleta Dual Auto Pistols – these are speediest and accurate two dual pistols to be useful for close range combats

C Iris Energy Repeater – a typical firing energy weapon that can deal with a middle range damage
C Kazama Rocket Launcher – launching rockets

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