Find Answers For Ubuntu Issues With AskUbuntu Unity Lens

I have previously reviewed Unity lens such as  Google Books Lens, Gwibber Lens, and Unity Place File SearchUnity Lens for AskUbuntu, is another Unity lens which  can help you quickly search and find answers to Ubuntu related questions from

Ask Ubuntu is a community driven forum for the Ubuntu users. It’s members gain reputation based on the community’s response (through voting) for questions and answers.

To install the AskUbuntu Lens, enter the following commands in the Terminal.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:askubuntu-tools/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install unity-place-askubuntu

After that, log out and log back in, to start using the new lens. Normally the lens should work without log off, however, doing so can help you apply the changes properly. To search for something, click on the new AskUbuntu Lens (which will appear on the launcher automatically), and type in a search criteria. This will display relevant information regarding your search query. Click on any o the items which show up in the search result, to go to the respective webpage (at AskUbuntu), via your default browser.

For instructions regarding removing a Unity lens, see my post here. Check out the progress of this project at Launchpad ( see below link).

Unity Lens for AskUbuntu