UGet Download Manager For Windows & Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Red Hat Linux

UGet (previously known as urlgfe) is a cross-platform & open Source download manager for Windows and Linux. Other than an EXE file, it is also available with a .Deb and .RPM package, which makes it easy to install on Ubuntu, Debian, Red Hat, Fedora and other Linux operating systems. It comes with many useful features, such as, pause &  resuming of downloads, URL clipboard history, batch downloading of files, application indicator, speed limit options, support for Torrent and Metalink files.

Ubuntu users can install UGet from the following Terminal commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:plushuang-tw/uget-stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install uget

To download a file, add a download URL and click OK . You can also specify other settings such as a download location, login credentials (if required), retry limit, retry delay time and proxy settings.

Download initiation and competition prompt are provided from bubble messages near the system tray.

Other than main interface options, new downloads, clipboard history (for the last used URL) and Settings menu can also be accessed from the system tray.

UI Settings tab can be used to enable confirmation dialog to close UGet, delete files, enabling offline mode, minimizing UGet to system tray and getting sound prompts. The Clipboard tab displays the last saved URL for, whereas, the Others tab can be used to set a default application to be launched for downloads, such as automatically starting a Torrent client for specific file types.

You can add, delete, open, and locate files on hard disk from the right-click context menu.

Make sure that you copy the link address of the download links (as shown in the below screenshot) so that you do not end up downloading useless.htm files instead of the actual file.

You can download the DEB, RPM and EXE packages from the download link below.

UGet Download Manager works on


  • Windows XP
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 7


  • Ubuntu
  • Debian
  • Red Hat
  • Fedora
  • Open Suse
  • CentOS and other Linux distributions.

Download UGet