Get Weather Forecast & Updates In Windows Media Center, MceWeather

MceWeather is a Windows Media Center plugin which displays the current weather updates, forecast and weather map of a selected city. You can get the latest weather information for your area and optionally watch it on your TV via Windows Media Center.  MceWeather was designed for Microsoft Windows Media Center 2005 for Windows XP, but also works with Windows Vista or Windows 7. It also works on Media Center Extenders like MicrosoftXBox360 (which may be connected to a Media Center PC). This way, you can get instant weather forecasts and current weather updates right on your Media Center TV.

To get started, open MceWeather from the Start Menu. You will have to do this for the first time, after which you will be able to set a Windows Media Center  Extras shortcut (as explained below).

Click on Settings to select location and related options. There is no location set by default, so will will have to enter a city name for receiving weather updates.

Click on the Add button and enter your city name. You can also select a satellite image format for viewing weather maps (from Sat-image option), set a language and change the background color ( from Style option). Click Install, followed by Save. You will be prompted to create a shortcut in Windows media Center Extras section, click OK to create the shortcut.

This will allow you to access MceWeather from the Extras section (as shown below).


The Overview tab displays current weather conditions and a four day forecast for a selected city.

Similarly, the Forecast tab shows the expected weather for the current day with temperature, humidity, wind and rain risk details.

The Satellite tab can be used to view a weather map of your area based on your selected satellite.

To select a satellite use the Settings option (as explained earlier).

You can also change background color to golden, red, grey, black, purple, dark-blue, etc.

MceWeather works With

  • Microsoft Windows Media Center 2005 for Windows XP
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 7

Download MceWeather