Problem : SBS 2008 POP3 Connector – AsyncConn timing out

Problem : SBS 2008 POP3 Connector – AsyncConn timing out

I am trying to troubleshoot problems with the SBS 2008 POP3 Connector failing to download larges emails (say 10mb – 20 mb).  I have increased the message sizes, the POP3 Connector is failing with this error:

Cannot connect to the SMTP server ‘localhost’ on port 25. The error code was 0x800ccc0f. Verify that the Microsoft Exchange Transport service is running and that the Exchange receive connectors are properly configured

After some investigation I have found out that the Exchange connector system is timing out after 5 minutes, which is not enough time to download the larger email.  This is the relevant excerpt from the POP3 Connector Log:
[t 0] 05/11/09, 17:14:11: Downloading message 1 of 11.
[t 0] 05/11/09, 17:14:11: (POP3) [TX] RETR 1
[t 0] 05/11/09, 17:14:11: (POP3) [RX] +OK Message follows
[t 0] 05/11/09, 17:19:12: (SMTP) [RX] 451 4.7.0 Timeout waiting for client input
[t 0] 05/11/09, 17:19:12: (AsyncConn[ localhost:25 ]) Connection to ‘localhost’ closed.
[t 0] 05/11/09, 17:19:12: (SMTP) ERROR: “Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity.”, hr=800ccc0f
[t 0] 05/11/09, 17:19:12: Failure hrResult (0x800ccc0f) trying to connect to SMTP server ‘localhost’:
[t 0] 05/11/09, 17:19:12: (no response)
[t 0] 05/11/09, 17:19:12: EVENT: Cannot connect to the SMTP server ‘localhost’ on port 25. The error code was 0x800ccc0f. Verify that the Microsoft Exchange Transport service is running and that the Exchange receive connectors are properly configured.
[t 0] 05/11/09, 17:19:42: (POP3) [TX] QUIT
[t 0] 05/11/09, 17:19:42: ERROR: 0x800ccc05 (“IXP_E_NOT_CONNECTED”) at d:\wssg_src\sbs_cougar_rtm\sbs\src\messaging\pop3\ixpbase.cpp:474.
[t 0] 05/11/09, 17:19:42: (POP3) [RX] +OK
[t 0] 05/11/09, 17:19:42: (AsyncConn[ ]) Connection to ‘’ closed.

This error occurs 5 minutes after the POP3 download process starts.

What is AsyncConn exactly? I tried altering the ConnectionInactvityTimeout parameter on the “Default ” Receive Connector (from 5 mins to 9 mins)- but it is still timing out after 5 minutes – so it must be somewhere else.

Solution : SBS 2008 POP3 Connector – AsyncConn timing out

Ok this is the solution
It is the Windows SBS Fax Sharepoint Receive xxx connector that is responsible for retrieving messages using the SBS 2008 POP3 Connector.  So this is where the 5 minute timeout on collecting individual emails resides.
I had already increased the Maximum Message size on the Windows SBS Fax Sharepoint Receive xxx connector (xxx denotes the server name).
To adjust the timeout I did the following:
1.  Open the Exchange Management Shell
2. Increased the Connection Inactivity Timeout from 5 minutes to 9 minutes by entering the following command:
Set-ReceiveConnector “Windows SBS Fax Sharepoint Receive xxx” -ConnectionInactivityTimeout 00:09:00
3. Checked that the timeout had been altered by entering the following command:
Get-ReceiveConnector “Windows SBS Fax Sharepoint Receive xxx” | fl
4. Retested downloading email with large attachments which had previously failed.  Email downloaded OK
I did not want to make the timeout more than 9 minutes, because the POP3 collection interval is set to 15 minutes.  To make it any longer means that if there was a very large email it would not download within the 15 minute interval and would trigger a collection reset. Also, the ISP’s POP3 boxes have an email size limite of 20 mb, so there is no point at the moment in trying to get the system to download emails larger than that.