Problem : Entity Framework 4 error 11009 Property is not mapped

Problem : Entity Framework 4 error 11009 Property is not mapped

Hello there,

I am trying to learn Entity Framework 4 and therefore I am creating a small reference application. I am starting with Model first approch and right now I don’t have any database.

After adding the Entities and their Associations, I am getting error: 11009: Property ‘BookCategory’ is not mapped.
I understand that I need to add column mapping for BookCategoryId, but how could I do that?

Basically how to map: One-to-One, One-to-many (with foreign keys), Many-to-Many after association has been added.

Solution: Entity Framework 4 error 11009 Property is not mapped

The image that you have shows that you have the Book entity selected, which is showing the mapping for Books.  Can you select the BookCategory entity, and show me that table mapping?