Problem : MFC Group-Box Border Color

Problem : MFC Group-Box Border Color


I’m writing a group-box class that inherits from the MFC CButton class, using the BS_GROUPBOX button style.  I’ve been trying to figure out how to change the group-box border color but have been unsuccessful.  Is there a way to change the border color of MFC group boxes?  Thank you.

Solution : MFC Group-Box Border Color

The border is part of the non-client area of the group box, I think, after some reading. You might try to override OnNcPaint and draw the border yourself.  I couldn’t find the code for the standard way this is done in MFC, since it seems to be hidden inside ::CallWindowProc, which I can’t debug into. What I can’t see right now, is why the border is drawn even if I override OnNcPaint and don’t call anything!

Sorry this is no complete answer, but maybe a push in the right direction.