5 Best Items to Equip Yourself with in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4

Best Items Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4

Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 is full of new and exciting items, but which ones are the best? This article will list the top 5 must-have items in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4, so you can be sure to equip yourself with the best gear to win.

The 5 Best Items in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4

Heisted Accelerant Shotgun

This Exotic shotgun offers a unique speed boost after hitting enemies, thanks to the Spicy Pepper effect. What truly sets it apart is its rapid fire rate and incredible damage output, especially when equipped with the First Shotgun reality augment, allowing for double headshot damage from a distance.

Kit’s Shockwave Launcher

Kit’s Shockwave Launcher is a remarkable mobility item. This Mythic launcher fires Shockwave Grenades that can propel you or your opponents over long distances. To make the most of it, ensure you have an ample supply of rockets. You can obtain this powerful item by defeating guards and accessing vaults.

Slurp Juice

No loadout is complete without Slurp Juice. Despite recent nerfs, Slurp Juice remains unmatched in its ability to simultaneously restore health and shield rapidly. Having a few Slurp Juices in your inventory can be a game-changer and potentially secure your victory.

The Foundation’s MK-Seven Assault Rifle

The Foundation’s MK-Seven Assault Rifle is the Mythic version of the first-person MK-Seven weapon introduced in a previous chapter. It stands as one of the most potent assault rifles in the game, offering increased fire rate and damage. The MK-Seven is a formidable and nostalgic addition to your arsenal.

Twin Mag Assault Rifle

One of the standout additions this season is the Twin Mag Assault Rifle, known for its unique double magazine. This dual magazine feature allows it to reload faster every other time, providing a significant advantage during intense battles. The Twin Mag Assault Rifle boasts the highest DPS among all weapons, making it a fantastic choice for taking down enemies and dismantling structures in build fights.

Equipping these powerful items in your loadout will give you a distinct advantage in Fortnite battles. They offer an ideal balance of speed, damage, and versatility, helping you conquer every challenge Chapter 4 Season 4 throws your way.
