Loldle #563 Classic, Splash, Ability and Quote Answers : January 20, 2024

How Do I Play Loldle Classic Today?

Loldle is a new word game, but it already has a few thousand players a day. To play, head over to the loldle website. You will then select which mode you want to play.

For classic, you’ll simply guess champion names, and the game will tell you how close you are. Here are the criteria that you are judged on.

  • Champion
  • Position(s)
  • Gender
  • Resource
  • Species
  • Range Type
  • Regions(s)
  • Release Year

Today’s Loldle # Classic, Splash Art, Ability and Quote Answer

Classic answer is Thresh

Emoji answer is Anivia

Splash Art answer is  Garen (Warring Kingdoms)

Ability answer is Nautilus (Q)

Quotes answer is “Your source code is flawed” – Camille

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