Starfield Ship Guide: How to Acquire the Star Eagle

star Eagle Starfield

If you’re yearning for a ship with formidable shields, and enough room for your entire crew in the world of Starfield, the Star Eagle is the vessel you’ve been dreaming of.  In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to obtain it.

Starfield Ship Guide: How to Acquire the Star Eagle

Unlocking the Star Eagle is a straightforward process that involves completing the Freestar Collective Faction Quest. This questline will lead you on a thrilling journey through the cosmos, introducing you to intriguing characters and challenging missions along the way.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to obtain the Star Eagle in Starfield:

  • Initiate the Quest: Start by completing one of the early main missions with The Constellation. This will lead you to Akila City with Sam Coe.

  • Negotiate with Gal Bank: During the mission in Akila City, assist Sam Coe in negotiating with Gal Bank. Once this negotiation is completed, you can proceed to the next step.
  • Visit The Rock: Head to The Rock, which serves as the Freestar Collective bar and headquarters in the middle of Akila City. Speak to Emma and express your desire to join the Freestar Rangers.
  • Engage in Missions: Emma will provide you with a series of missions that you need to complete. These missions will progressively lead you towards acquiring the Star Eagle ship.
  • Make Decisions: Throughout the questline, you’ll need to make significant decisions that will impact the outcome. Choose wisely as these choices affect the ultimate result.
  • Complete the Questline: Work your way through the eight-mission-long questline until you reach the final mission called “The Hammer Falls.” In this mission, you will decide the fate of an important character.

After completing the questline, you will be rewarded with the Star Eagle ship.

If you’ve already completed the Freestar Collective quest and are wondering how to access the Star Eagle, visit the local Spaceport Technician. Ask to examine your ships, and from there, you can designate the Star Eagle as your home ship, making it automatically appear in the spaceport.

The Star Eagle is considered one of the most formidable ships in Starfield due to its impressive cargo capacity of 2280 pounds, strong shields, and versatile weapon systems. It can also accommodate up to five people, making it an excellent choice for cooperative play.

Unlock the Star Eagle, explore the cosmos, and chart your own destiny in Starfield. With this formidable vessel at your command, the stars are the limit!
