WoW Classic Season of Discovery DPS Tier List

WoW Season of Discovery DPS Tier List
Images via Blizzard Entertainment

The Season of Discovery has descended upon Classic WoW, and it appears to be the season that many players have eagerly anticipated. In this Season of Discovery DPS Tier List, we’ll scrutinize all the DPS specs and attempt to predict their standings within the hierarchy.

WoW Classic Season of Discovery DPS Tier List

Disclaimer: This data is all from “leaked” data from the build on the WoW client, and based on the state of each class in OG Classic with the Rune changes taken into account. We’ll update this post-release when we have more information.

Tier Specs
S Retribution Paladin, Marksmanship Hunter, Beast Mastery Hunter, Fury Warrior, Arcane Mage, Fire Mage
A Combat Rogue, Survival Hunter, Arms Warrior, Balance Druid, Assassination Rogue
B Elemental Shaman, Destruction Warlock, Demonology Warlock, Affliction Warlock, Enhancement Shaman, Feral Druid, Frost Mage, Subtlety Rogue
C Shadow Priest

Breaking Down the Tiers

Images via Blizzard Entertainment


Among the Mage specs, Frost appears to be the weakest, while Fire and Arcane are expected to be very strong. Arcane, in particular, shows promise at the “end game” due to hit chance talents, while Fire benefits from a flat crit increase, potentially resulting in impressive damage output.

Shadow Priest

Shadow Priest is a spec that may require some patience. While it may struggle initially, it is anticipated to improve over time. Blizzard is known to make adjustments as they go, and we believe that Shadow Priests will eventually find their footing and become more viable.

Ret Paladin

Retribution Paladins are looking solid in the early stages of the Season of Discovery. This spec is expected to move away from its previous Auto-Attack bot role and offer a more engaging playstyle.

As the WoW Classic Season of Discovery unfolds, it’s important to keep in mind that the dynamic nature of the game, coupled with potential updates from Blizzard, may alter the landscape. The tier list is a valuable starting point, but player preferences and individual playstyles should ultimately guide your class selection. Enjoy the journey through Azeroth in this new season of classic adventure!
