The Cyber Security Threats Facing the Gaming Industry

The gaming industry has seen many changes, especially in the last 15 years. Nowadays, more people are gaming, and it’s no longer something ‘for kids’, with immense e-sport tournaments being held. Games have also moved online, with massive online multiplayer games across many different platforms. These changes have also opened up the gaming industry to cyber threats. So, how can you enjoy an innocent gaming session without worrying about being hacked?

In this article, we’ll be exploring the cyber security risks of the gaming industry and what makes this industry such an attractive target. We’ll also be looking at a few ways to protect yourself from these threats while still enjoying your favorite games, such as proxy generators, two-factor authentication and antivirus protection.

In this article related to cyber security threats in the gaming industry, we’ll be covering the following topics:

  • Why is the gaming industry an attractive target?
  • How to make gaming more secure?

Why Is The Gaming Industry An Attractive Target?

Recent reports show that approximately 76% of internet users over the age of 18 play video games in some form or another in the US. A further 18% of these individuals spend more than six hours a week gaming. This increase in adult gaming individuals also means that the industry is exploding financially. This is because many first-generation gamers have now grown into adults and have the financial means to spend on games. 

In 2020 alone, the PC gaming industry reported an income of $37 billion, whereas the mobile gaming industry generated an income of $77 billion. The financial income generated alone makes this industry particularly tempting for hackers, but let’s break down specifically why the industry has become a tempting target.

Increases In E-Sports Wagering

During the recent Covid-19 pandemic, we also saw a big increase in esport wagering. Since many sports bettors could no longer bet on their favorite sports due to global lockdowns and a slow return to normal, many of these individuals took to betting on esports. Esports is a form of competition where competitors face off in different video games. This can be real-world sport-related games, such as betting on Fifa video game competitions, or it could be on other video games such as the popular shooter game, Counter-Strike. Most of these events occur on public Wi-Fi networks, which hackers can exploit to gain access to multiple players’ systems.

More Games Moving Online

The gaming industry has undergone a massive shift from offline gaming to online gaming. More games now allow users to play together online. This can be in massive MMORPGs, like World of Warcraft, or it can be online co-op games. If you look at game development, you’ll also notice that many developers are opening up games to accommodate online multiplayer. If you think of a few of the currently popular games, such as Minecraft, Roblox, GTA and countless others – they all include online gaming options. Without the proper protection, our systems and networks become more vulnerable to hacks.

Increases In Digital Purchases

More games are being purchased online, and it’s no wonder why. Digital licenses are much more convenient; they don’t scratch or break like disks, they don’t take up space, and you can immediately start playing after the purchase without waiting to get home first. Platforms like Steam, EA Origin and many others become targets of hackers trying to steal confidential credit card information, which can be used to commit fraud, identify theft and more.

Increases In Online Gaming Platforms

With more games being released, there is also an increase in online gaming platforms like Twitch, Steam and others. The more platforms there are, the more likely it is that hackers will be able to exploit a vulnerability in at least one of them. Hackers can use these vulnerabilities to access computer systems, collect your data or even steal your account information. 

How To Make Gaming More Secure

With so many different opportunities to strike, it’s important that gamers take extra precautions to protect themselves. Most gaming consoles and PCs are now connected to the internet the whole time – so it’s never been more critical to start using protective measures. Let’s take a look at a few security solutions you can use.

  • Proxy generator: it creates a list of different IP addresses that you can rotate to hide your own IP address.
  • Antivirus: it is used to protect your system and network from various malware.
  • Two Factor Authentication: additional security measures to prove that you’re trying to access your own account.
  • Not sharing personal information: Use codenames online and never share personal details.
  • Strong And Unique Passwords: used to add an additional layer of security to your accounts.
  • Log out of accounts: Always log out of your accounts when finished.

Final Thoughts

The gaming industry is a big target for cyber security threats because it is expanding so fast, meaning more vulnerabilities can be exploited. This is also a billion-dollar industry, so there’s money to be made by hackers. To protect yourself from these threats, you need to take a few different measures, such as using a proxy generator, antivirus and strong passwords, to protect yourself.