Problem: Find_In_Set SQL Server Equivalent

Problem: Find_In_Set SQL Server Equivalent

I am migrating to SQL Server from MySQL and need help creating the following query so that it works in SQL Server. It currently works in MySQL. Please write out the exact query that I will need. Thanks!

Select *
wizresults_section01 left outer join wizard_section_options01 ON FIND_IN_SET(wizard_section_options01.id_section_option,wizresults_section01.id_wizard_section_option_list)
wizresults_section01.id_wizard_section = ‘#ARGUMENTS.id_wizard_section#’ AND
wizresults_section01.id_wizresults = ‘#ARGUMENTS.id_wizresults#’
ORDER BY option_sequence ASC

Solution: Find_In_Set SQL Server Equivalent

yes, it’s for exact ID. the ‘,’ +ID + ‘,’  will do the exact matching.