How to defeat Dyne and Anuran Suppressor in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Struggling with the boss fights against Dyne and Anuran Suppressor in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth? Fear not, warriors of Gaia! This guide offers crucial tips to secure victory.

How to defeat Dyne in Final Fantasy Rebirth

While Fire is Dyne’s weakness, forget about Fire Materia. Its pressure effect isn’t crucial. Instead, prioritize equipping Assess Materia to gain intel on your opponent. Additionally, unlocking the “Maximum Fury” weapon ability will significantly aid you in the second phase.
Phase 1: Utilizing Cover and Pressure

At the battle’s start, cast Steelskin on Barret to bolster his defenses. Utilize the environment strategically, taking cover behind debris to dodge Dyne’s attacks, especially his powerful Firebombs.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Dyne

Focus on building Dyne’s pressure gauge. Bonus Rounds are your friend here, enabling you to deal significant pressure damage and expedite the stagger process.

Phase 2: Clearing the Arena and Facing the Appendages

The second phase ramps up the intensity. Dyne eliminates the arena’s debris, forcing you to rely solely on your skills. Additionally, he summons mechanical appendages to assist him.

These appendages are vulnerable, offering a window of opportunity. Act quickly to destroy them before they unleash their attacks. Deploy Maximum Fury immediately to swiftly eliminate these threats. Destroying all his appendages will not only interrupt his attack but also pressure him, making him vulnerable.

How to defeat Anuran Suppressor in Final Fantasy Rebirth

While Dyne may pose an initial obstacle, the real test lies in defeating the Anuran Suppressor, a hulking mech piloted by the eccentric Shinra executive, Palmer. Thankfully, you’ll have your entire party at your disposal for this battle.

Before the fight, ensure your Materia setup includes Thunder Materia as the Suppressor is susceptible to its electrical bite. Additionally, prioritize setting your Synergy Abilities in the Folio. These powerful attacks, charged by using ATB, act as mini-Limit Breaks and are readily available early in the game.

Remember, any ATB action fills the Synergy Meter (one blue point per action). Most Synergy Abilities require 4-5 points for two characters, so swap and use ATB frequently to build everyone’s meter. Consider equipping Haste for faster charging.

Key Strategies for Victory

  • Target Palmer: When he emerges from the mech to taunt you, immediately unleash a ranged attack or spell. This will pressure the robot, making it vulnerable.

  • Leg Up: During the second phase, focus your attacks on one of the Suppressor’s legs. Destroying it deals significant pressure damage and staggers the behemoth. Remember, both the legs and the entire robot are weak to Thunder magic.
  • Flipped and Vulnerable: When the Suppressor is flipped over, target its head for maximum pressure damage. Magic attacks are particularly effective in this situation due to the awkward positioning.

Remember: With preparation, strategic use of abilities, and focused attacks, you can overcome these challenging encounters and continue your journey in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth!
