Top 5 Folio Upgrades for Tifa in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Choosing the right upgrades can make all the difference in mastering a character’s abilities in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. This guide specifically focuses on Tifa, exploring the most effective Folio upgrades to maximize her aggressive playstyle and dominate the battlefield.

Top 5 Folio Upgrades for Tifa in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Tifa thrives in an aggressive playstyle that keeps enemies on their toes. Therefore, prioritize Folio upgrades that enhance this approach.

Combo Damage Up

The Folio system offers stat boosts, and for Tifa, the Combo Damage Up is crucial. Her rapid strikes rack up combos quickly, and this upgrade increases their base damage by 3%. While the percentage might seem small, it adds up significantly, making a noticeable difference in combat.

ATB Charge Rate Up

Another must-have is the ATB Charge Rate Up stat boost. This allows Tifa to build her ATB gauge faster, enabling her to unleash powerful abilities like Divekick and Unbridled Strength more frequently. This not only enhances her aggressive playstyle but also hastens enemy staggers, including bosses.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Tifa Folio
Synchro Cyclone

This Synergy Ability, unlocked with Cloud as a partner, exemplifies aggressive tactics. Cloud and Tifa launch into a combined aerial attack, pressuring and potentially staggering enemies. The true power lies in the temporary unlimited MP it grants Tifa. Unleash a flurry of spells after the attack to maximize damage.

Leaping Strikes

Leaping Strikes offers versatility and high damage, allowing Tifa to team up with various party members for unique attacks. Depending on the partner:

  • Cloud or Red: Execute a “ranged” version, closing the distance to enemies.
  • Barrett or Aerith: Perform a “launch” version, sending foes soaring for follow-up attacks.

This skill deals significant damage and aids in pressuring enemies, making it a valuable addition to your arsenal.

United Refocus

This Synergy Ability is a game-changer for boss battles. It allows Tifa and Aerith to combine their Focus, temporarily expanding their ATB gauge to 3 charges. This grants Tifa access to a wider range of abilities, further amplifying her damage output and pressure on enemies.

By incorporating these Folio upgrades, you’ll transform Tifa into an unstoppable force in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Remember, experiment and adapt these suggestions to fit your playstyle and party composition.
