Pokemon Sleep: How to Reroll Accounts and Fix Error Code 009901

Pokemon Sleep reroll

Pokemon Sleep offers a unique gaming experience centered around getting a good night’s rest. However, like any software, it may encounter errors, and players might want to reroll their accounts for specific reasons. This guide will walk you through how to reroll in Pokemon Sleep and how to fix the Error Code 009901 that you might encounter while playing.

How to Reroll and Make a New Account in Pokemon Sleep

Rerolling in Pokemon Sleep is a straightforward process. Unlike waiting for hours to justify trying again, you can reroll after a brief chat with the in-game professor.

To create a new account, follow these simple steps:

  1. Tap on ‘Main Menu‘ in the Snorlax screen.
  2. Select ‘Settings and More.’
  3. Tap on ‘General Settings.’
  4. Go to the ‘Other‘ tab.
  5. Scroll down and select ‘Delete My Account.’
  6. Confirm by tapping ‘Delete Account.’

Keep in mind that the account deletion process may take up to 24 hours, although it’s usually instantaneous. Once your account is deleted, you can launch the game and create a new one. If this doesn’t happen, you can try deleting the game data and uninstalling the game from your device using the top-right button on the launch screen. Redownload the game to prompt the creation of a new account.

How to Fix Pokemon Sleep Error Code 009901

Encountering Error Code 009901 in Pokemon Sleep? Don’t worry; we have solutions for both Android and iOS devices:

For Android:

  1. Ensure that the app is updated to the latest version from the Google Play Store.
  2. Clear the data and cache of the Pokemon Sleep app by accessing your App Manager (App Info) and navigating to “Storage.” Clear Data and Cache through the appropriate options on your device.
  3. Uninstall the Pokemon Sleep app from your device’s store and reinstall it.

For iOS (iPhone):

  1. Check if the app is updated to the latest version.
  2. If the app is up-to-date, uninstall the Pokemon Sleep app completely.
  3. Reinstall the app to ensure you receive clean files from the server.

Following these troubleshooting steps should help you resolve the Pokemon Sleep Error Code 009901.

With this guide, you’re now equipped to reroll in Pokemon Sleep and overcome the Error Code 009901. So go ahead, sleep well, and enjoy your journey in the world of Pokemon Sleep!