Warzone Season 2 Reloaded: All About the Bunker Buster Killstreak

Incoming, warriors! Season 2 Reloaded of Warzone brings a brand new weapon to your arsenal – the Bunker Buster Killstreak. This article dives into everything you need to know about this potential game-changer.

What’s the New Bunker Buster Killstreak in Warzone?

Imagine a Precision Airstrike, but on steroids. The Bunker Buster is a devastating missile strike that can pierce through multiple floors of a building, potentially eliminating or damaging anyone hiding within. This makes it ideal for clearing out pesky campers holed up in high rises or forcing entrenched squads out of fortified positions.

Warzone Bunker Buster
Image via Activision

How to Use It (and What We Don’t Know Yet)

While details are still emerging, we do know that the Bunker Buster will be a high-tier Killstreak, requiring a significant number of kills or objective completions to earn. However, specifics like the exact kill requirement and the effectiveness against different types of structures remain under wraps.

The Community Reacts

The arrival of the Bunker Buster has sparked mixed reactions. Some players are excited about the tactical possibilities it presents, while others fear its potential to disrupt the game’s balance. Only time will tell if the Bunker Buster lives up to the hype or becomes another controversial addition to the Warzone arsenal.

With Season 2 Reloaded just around the corner, we’ll soon get to witness the Bunker Buster in action. This guide will be updated as more information becomes available, so stay tuned for the latest intel on this powerful new Killstreak!

About Warzone

Warzone is a free-to-play, action-packed battle royale available on major platforms. Players parachute into a massive map, scavenge for weapons and equipment, and battle it out to be the last squad (or solo player) standing. With a constantly shrinking map and high stakes, Warzone offers an intense and thrilling experience for gamers of all levels.
