Best Riveter Loadout For Close-Quarters Combat in Modern Warfare 3

Modern Warfare 3 Riveter Loadout

The Riveter is the ultimate close-quarters combat (CQC) weapon in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, and this loadout will make it even more deadly.

Best Riveter Loadout in Modern Warfare 3

The Riveter excels in close-range combat, so the key to crafting the perfect loadout is to focus on stealth and speed. You’ll need to approach enemies without being seen or heard, and the right attachments and perks can make all the difference.


  • EOD Padding: Protect yourself from explosives, particularly valuable on maps filled with claymores and grenades.
  • Lightweight Boots: Reduce fall damage and move more quietly, giving you the advantage of stealth and agility.
  • Munitions Box: The Munitions Box allows you to resupply your ammunition and equipment, ensuring you can stay in the battle for longer periods.
  • Quick-Grip Gloves: Speed up your reload time, ensuring you’re always ready to take down the next opponent.


  • DAV15 Light Tactical Stock: Improving your mobility and handling, this stock will make it easier to close in on enemies swiftly.
  • Pneumatic Integrated Suppressor: This suppressor will keep your shots silent, ensuring you remain hidden from your foes.
  • Xten Grip: The grip enhances your control and accuracy, allowing you to maintain your aim even in the heat of battle.
  • 30 Round Mag: With increased capacity, you can engage in prolonged firefights without needing to reload frequently.
  • 410 Gauge Ball Ammunition: This ammunition type is the most effective for the Riveter at close range, dealing substantial damage to your adversaries.

This loadout is a solid foundation for a stealthy and lethal Riveter setup. However, remember that it’s always a good idea to experiment with different attachments and perks to find what works best for your playstyle. Customize your loadout to your preferences and enjoy wreaking havoc in the intense world of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
