How to Complete the Extraction Mission in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies

Modern Warfare 3 Zombies extraction
Images via Activision

The Extraction mission in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies is a challenging task, but with the right strategy and preparation, it is definitely achievable. This guide will walk you through each step of the mission, from deploying to Dr. Jansen’s coordinates to defending her lab and escorting her to the helicopter pad.

How to Complete the Extraction Mission in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies

While it is possible to complete the Extraction mission solo, it is highly recommended to do it with a squad. This will make the mission much easier, as you will have more firepower and support. If you do decide to go solo, make sure to bring a Self-Revive and some of the best Perk-a-Colas, such as Jugger-Nog, Quick Revive, and Speed Cola. You should also have at least uncommon rarity weapons and have Pack-a-Punched them to at least level one.

After preparing yourself, proceed to follow these steps in to accomplish the mission:

  • Exfil Spots: Upon entering the Exclusion Zone, wait a few minutes for the exfil spots to appear on the map. Look for the exfil location marked with a star, which indicates Dr. Jansen’s coordinates.

  • Special Exfil Site: Reach the special exfil site and call in the helicopter. Once on board, you’ll be transported to the Dr. Jansen mission. Stay on the helicopter until it reaches the back of the map, then disembark.
  • Finding Dr. Jansen: Access the communications tower in the middle of the map to determine Dr. Jansen’s location. Grab the Ammo Mod Circuit Board on the roof before proceeding.
  • Eliminate Mercenaries: Prioritize eliminating the mercenaries as they pose a significant threat. Keep your distance from zombies unless necessary and focus on eliminating the mercenaries first.
  • Reach the Communications Tower: Push forward and make your way to the building with the communications tower on top. Beware of the Mimic inside the first Loot Cache. Eliminate it and proceed cautiously, watching your back for zombies and mercenaries.
  • Interact with the Communications Tower: Clear the sniper in the tower before interacting with the communications tower. This will pinpoint Dr. Jansen’s approximate location.

  • Locate Dr. Jansen: Proceed forward on the left side, as there are fewer enemies. Clear out the mercenaries and zombies fighting in the middle of the battlefield. Dr. Jansen can be found in a building near the docks at the north end of the map.
  • Defend the Area: Defend the area while Dr. Jansen is located. Find high ground and eliminate the high concentration of zombies and soldiers. Be prepared for another Mimic if you enter the warehouse and watch out for mercenaries dropping from helicopters on the room and west side of the docks.
  • Escort Dr. Jansen: After clearing the area, escort Dr. Jansen to the helicopter pad on the roof. If possible, insert the Ammo Mod Circuit Board into the Deadbolt Turret for added firepower. Dr. Jansen can defend herself, giving you the opportunity to prepare the turret.
  • Use the Deadbolt Turret: Utilize the Deadbolt Turret for easier enemy elimination. Once the area is secure, wait for the helicopter to arrive.
  • Escape: Board the helicopter with Dr. Jansen and be lifted out of the area.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully completed the Extraction mission in Modern Warfare Zombies, unlocking a special cutscene and transitioning to Act 2 missions. Gear up and prepare for the next thrilling chapter in the ongoing battle against the undead.
