Crushpath: The Ideal Platform To Increase Sales And Attract Customers

Have you heard of Crushpath Spots yet? It’s our new product; we launched it last week and we’re super excited to help small companies share their business moments. Sharable things happen inside your business every day, and you want to be able to get out word to your customers with details quickly and cheaply.

Crushpath is the best way to share announcements, discounts and product launches with all your customers at the time across all major marketing channels.

Crushpath  Market on the Move

How Can You Use Crushpath To Boost Your Business And Sales?

Here’s how it works.

Step 1: You have a moment or announcement you want to share. For, example you own a farm and your top-shelf apple cider is in season and ready to ship. Take a picture of the cider on your phone or regular camera.

Step 2:  Go to Crushpath and create your first spot. It’s easy, have a look below.


This is a Spot, and it’s super easy to make. Just upload the picture of the cider by pushing a single button and then just type over it. Then there’s another big field to add text and then I just typed in the name of the farm and up popped a pretty sweet Google Maps showing folks where to pick up some of this fine nectar.

So the first big part attraction of Crushpath Spots is the ease in which they can be made. I made this Spot above in about two minutes; it captures a business moment that I can now send out to any or all of my contacts on email, text message, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and other major social networks.

Step 3:  Publish your Spot and then share it. This is the second big attraction about Crushpath Spots — getting a huge audience to see what you made. Here’s what it looks like on Facebook; I just pushed the Facebook button in the Spot creator and then it showed up in my status. Have a looksee:

Publish your Spot and then share it

This super quick share eventually led to 10 organic Facebook likes and 50+ visits to the Spot. My friend Todd even got a sale out my Spot just from Facebook alone; I didn’t even share it on Twitter, LinkedIn, email or text. Maybe I will, for some free apple cider.

Author: Guest Post By Josh.