Prevent Eyes Strain With Reminders To Rest Your Eyes With EyeDefender

EyeDefender is a free software that provides periodic reminders to rest your eyes from the computer screen. It has been designed to help people avoid Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) resulting from working on a computer for too long. CVS symptoms include eyestrain, blurred vision, delayed focusing, headaches, back aches, neck aches, light sensitivity, distorted color vision, forehead heaviness, dry and burning eyes and sore eyes.  EyeDefender is more feature rich than other applications of its kind such as FadeTop.

Once installed, you can configure EyeDefender Settings from the system tray menu. You can select a time after which the reminder message is to be displayed, as well as the break time during which the reminder image should stay on your monitor screen.

System Tray Menu

Once the defined time frame is reached, a serene image of flowers is displayed to remind you to rest your eyes. A bar at the bottom of the screen saver image shows the remaining time before your break ends.


You can also opt for a balloon reminder instead of a screen saver.

Balloon Reminder

To customize reminder display options, go to Settings from the system tray. From the new window that pops-up, you can change your configurations and take a training test, e.g.  display pictures from a  specified folder (as a reminder), start visual training, set default screen saver as a reminder or opt for a balloon reminder instead of a screen saver. You can also enable auto start of EyeDefender at system start up and password protect the application.


EyeDefender works on the following Windows operating systems:

  • Windows XP
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 7

Download EyeDefender