Problem : When using Count(fld, confld, cond) in crytal report, if confld is a boolean field, how to write cond?

Problem : When using Count(fld, confld, cond) in crytal report, if confld is a boolean field, how to write cond?

In Crystal report document, they give the following description about how to use Count:

Count(fld, confld, cond);

*  cond is a String indicating the type of grouping for condFld. You only specify this argument when condFld is a Date, Time, DateTime or Boolean field. For more information on the valid strings for this argument, see Conditions for summary functions.

Boolean conditions

* on any change
* on change to yes
* on change to no
* on every yes
* on every no
* on next is yes
* on next is no

But there is no example. Could someone give me examples about how to write those Boolean Conditions when using count function? Thanks a lot.

Solution: When using Count(fld, confld, cond) in crytal report, if confld is a boolean field, how to write cond?

I believe it is just as they have it written.

If you check the formula editor it has a BOOLEAN CONDTIONS branch in the SUMMARY FUNCTIONS branch in the formula tree.  Select the one you need.

Count({SomeFIeld},{SomeBoolean},”change to No”)
