League of Legends Patch 13.21: Release Date, Champion Balance Changes, and New Café Cuties Skins

league of legends 13.21 release date
Images via Riot Games

Here’s everything you need to know about League of Legends Patch 13.21, including the release date, changes, and new skins.

League of Legends Patch 13.21: Release Date

According to the official patch schedule, Patch 13.21 is slated for release on Wednesday, October 25. This means there are three more patches to come before the end of Season 13.

League of Legends Patch 13.21: Notes

Champion Changes


  • Fiora is getting rescripted in 13.21. Shouldn’t change how she works but it increases the risk of adding bugs as some are getting removed.


  • Health growth: 104 ⇒ 90
  • Base mana: 440 ⇒ 360
  • Mana growth: 40 ⇒ 50
  • Base mana regen: 8 ⇒ 11.5
  • Mana regen growth: 1 ⇒ 0.4
  • Base armor: 19 ⇒ 26
  • Attack speed growth: 1% ⇒ 2%
  • Q base damage: 55 – 115 to 60 – 160
  • Q AP ratio reduced from 45% – 65% to 45% flat
  • Q cooldown: 10 – 5 seconds ⇒ 9 – 5
  • W base shield: 50 – 130 ⇒ 60 – 200
  • W heal no longer scales with 0.4% per 100 AP missing HP
  • E base damage: 60 – 140 ⇒ 60 – 180
  • E cooldown: 10 seconds flat ⇒ 11 – 9
  • E mana cost: 60 – 100 ⇒ 60 – 80

Tahm Kench

  • Passive base damage: 8 – 60 (level 1 to 18) ⇒ 6 – 48 (level 1 to 11)
  • Passive health ratio: 3% bonus HP ⇒ 5%
  • W cooldown refund: 40% flat ⇒ 40% – 50%

New Café Cuties Skins

In Patch 13.21, the Café Cuties skin line makes a return, featuring Epic skins for Lulu, Jinx, Rumble, and Poppy. Each skin will be priced at 1350 RP. Players can enjoy these charming skins in the game.

Images via Riot Games

Surrender Voting

AFK surrender votes before 15 minutes now follow the same rules as regular surrender votes.

Nexus Blitz Returns

After years of anticipation, Nexus Blitz, a fast-paced game mode, is making a comeback in League of Legends. This mode, designed for short, action-packed matches lasting around 15 minutes, features unique two-lane maps with unpredictable events that grant powerful rewards. Victory is achieved by either destroying the enemy’s Nexus or winning the final sudden-death Nexus Blitz event.

Nexus Blitz Balance Changes

For Nexus Blitz, two champions are set to receive specific balance adjustments:

  1. Ivern
    • [NEW] Passive – Enemy of the Forest: Ivern can damage monsters, and they can damage him. In Nexus Blitz, his passive is disabled.
  2. Shyvana
    • Passive – Fury of the Dragonborn: The tooltip no longer mentions getting stacks from Scuttle.

ARAM Balance Adjustments

ARAM mode will see some balance adjustments, including cooldown changes for champion abilities. Lillia’s and Aurelion Sol’s abilities will have longer cooldowns.

Coven Syndra Delayed

Coven Syndra’s release will be delayed in Patch 13.21. The skin has undergone adjustments based on feedback from players and fans. Changes include modifications to the headpiece, makeup, hair color, and orbs. The aim is to improve the skin’s quality.

With exciting changes on the horizon, Patch 13.21 is sure to keep the League of Legends community engaged and eager to explore the evolving meta.