League of Legends patch 13.9 tentative notes & How they will impact the meta

League of Legends patch 13.9

Now that League of Legends patch 13.8 is available, players can start thinking about what might be changed in the upcoming patch 13.9.

League of Legends patch 13.9 tentative notes

Patch 13.8 was used for the tournament, so it’s likely that the next patch will nerf the best-performing champions and prioritize solo queue.

The jungle meta has changed significantly, and we may see new picks emerge. Some ADCs may also be on the list, given that champions like Jinx and Xayah dominate the ranked ladder in terms of pick rate. This season’s top lane meta has been quite diverse and fun, so the developers may consider buffing some of the less popular picks, such as Aatrox, Tryndamere, or Urgot.

Having said that, we have some exciting changes in the works. To begin, the changes for Neekio are intended to preserve her current playstyles (such as AS, mage, or even tank) while also improving her Trickster gameplay, according to Riot Phlox. Also, add a little spice toward her R.

Second, we have big changes to Kayle that try to change how powerful her ultimate spell is. All of the number changes are listed in the section that follows.

Finally, the new Inkshadow skins are currently being tested on the PBE and will be released in Patch 13.9.To commemorate the Mid-Season Invitational, players will most likely be able to purchase a special MSI pass, which will allow them to collect tokens and unlock Prestige Inkshadow Yasuo.

Champion changes


  • Attack speed ratio: 0.667 ⇒ 0.658
  • P wave base damage: 15 – 35 (based on E rank) ⇒ 26 – 40 (lvl 11 – 18)
  • P wave AP ratio: 25% ⇒ 20%
  • Q slow: 26% – 50% ⇒ 25% – 45%
  • R base damage: 200 – 500 ⇒ 200 – 400
  • R AP ratio: 80% ⇒ 70%
  • R bAD ratio: 100% ⇒ 90%
  • R invulnerability duration changed from 2 – 3 seconds ⇒ 2.5 flat
  • R damage range: 500 flat ⇒ 675 – 775
  • R cast time reduced from 1.5 ⇒ 0.5


  • Inherent Glamour (Passive)
    • [NEW]: When Neeko is near a non-epic monster, minion, trap, ward, or plant for two seconds she stores their Sho’ma. Neejo can click on her bar to become that unit. Click on Neeko’s face to return to Neeko. Click on the title x to clear out that Sho’ma. Only one unit can be stored at a time.
    • [NEW]: Disguise no longer breaks on taking damage, only when the disguised self would have died or when you are crowd controlled.
    • [Adjusted]: Neeko no longer inherits base AS/MS from disguise target if that stat is higher than hers
    • Cooldown: max (((floor(N-1)/3))*-3)+25.6) ⇒ 6 seconds
  • Blooming Burst (Q)
    • Secondary/Tertiary Pop damage: 40/65/90/115/140 + 20% AP ⇒ 35/60/85/110/135 + 25% AP
    • [NEW] Explosions deal 30/40/50/60/70 bonus damage to monsters
  • Shapesplitter (W)
    • After casting Neeko can reactivate to send the clone to a new location
    • Clone now plays animations and sounds of Q/E/Dance/Joke/Taunt/Recall/Laugh and survives for their duration
    • [NEW]: Empowered attacks deal 50 bonus damage to monsters
  • Tangle-Barbs (E)
    • Damage: 80/115/150/185/220 + 60% AP ⇒ 70/105/140/175/210 + 65% AP
  • Pop Blossom (R)
    • After channel Neeko jumps into the air, suspending all nearby enemies
    • After 0.6 seconds Neeko crashes into the ground with all suspended enemies and deals damage to all nearby enemies. The stun lingers for 1.25 seconds in total
    • No longer shields
    • Damage: 200/425/650 (+130%AP) ⇒ 150/350/550 (+100% AP)
    • Cooldown: 90 seconds ⇒ 120/105/90 seconds

How will the 13.9 patch impact the meta?

Given the scarcity of data, it’s nearly impossible to make any predictions about the meta, especially with Lol patch 13.8 just around the corner. Once we have a good idea of what Riot intends to change, we can make predictions about how the meta will change in the future.

Having said that, the Neeko mid-scope changes are intriguing, especially given the increased damage dealt to monsters by two of the spells. She can improve her chances of being a competitive jungle pick by obtaining good jungle clears.