Pet Simulator X : How to get Secret Pets ?

What are the Secret Pets in Pet Simulator X ?

Secret pets are quite ordinary pets, however they are especially difficult to hatch and have very strong abilities. They don’t come with any special charms. Due to their rarity, they can be quite valuable on the commercial market.

How to get Secret Pets in Pet Simulator X ?

To get a Secret Pet, you must be very lucky to hatch eggs in an area where these pets are available. Currently, you can only get Secret Pets in one of the Doodle Eggs from the new Doodle World area. However You can also increase your chances of getting one of these pets by purchasing the Secret Hunter Gamepass.

Also another way you can get a Secret Pet is to buy it through the Mysterious Merchant (This could be a game bug so it might not be available anymore). However, you can still buy Secret Doodle Patriot from the merchant if it appears.