Where to Find All 13 Enigmatic Pages in Genshin Impact?

Here’s where you can find all 13 Enigmatic Pages and reap the rewards that Genshin Impact has in store for the intrepid explorer.

Where to Find All 13 Enigmatic Pages in Genshin Impact?

Before diving into the quest for Enigmatic Pages, ensure you’ve completed the Narzissenkreuz Adventure questline, the Ancient Colors questline, and at least the Aqueous Tidemarks World Quest. These quests are crucial prerequisites for acquiring most of the pages.
With these prerequisites met, prepare to delve into the enigmatic world of Fontaine! Here’s where you’ll find each elusive page:

Enigmatic Page I: Beryl Mountain

Nestled within a hidden cave near the northeast Elynas teleport, this page awaits behind a pack of ferocious hounds. Defeat them to claim their treasure!

Genshin Impact Enigmatic Pages

Enigmatic Page II: A Very Warm Place

This page snuggles near the underground Melusine Village. Activate the red crystal to unlock the chest holding the coveted page.

Enigmatic Page III: Elynas

Right beside a teleport in Elynas, a grand ritual circle encircled by Rifthounds conceals Page III. Vanquish these foes and protect the crystal to obtain the page.

Enigmatic Page IV: Underwater Ruins

Dive into the subaquatic Institute of Natural Philosophy and scour the shelves next to the Ancient Log tabs until Page IV reveals itself.

Enigmatic Pages V & VIII: Underwater Ruins

Navigate through the Narzissenkreuz Ordo to snag the Key to Some Place from a chest. Backtrack to the locked door in the Institute and unlock the treasure trove holding Pages V and VIII.

Enigmatic Page VI: Underwater Ruins

Near the Narzissenkreuz Ordo entrance, a deactivated Ruin Guard stands beneath a swirling whirlpool. Plunge into the vortex, open the locked door, and claim Page VI alongside a bonus chest.

Enigmatic Page VII: Annapausis

Progress through The Narzissenkreuz Adventure questline to gain access to the underwater “secret” area. Locate Page VII where you first encountered Petit Chou after entering this hidden realm.

Enigmatic Page IX: Annapausis

After breaking the three seals during the Narzissenkreuz Adventure quests, you’ll be prompted to return to the tower. Instead, take a daring leap from its peak and discover a hidden treasure alongside Page IX.

Enigmatic Page X: Urville (Scattered Page)

This page, technically numbered “X” but referred to as the “Scattered Page,” is automatically acquired during the dream section of the Book of Esoteric Revelations quest.

Enigmatic Page XI: Narzissenkreuz Ordo

Within the Narzissenkreuz Ordo, this page patiently rests on a bookshelf to the left.

Enigmatic Page XII: A Very Warm Place

Venture into the room directly behind the Book of Revealing, unlocked during the Book of Esoteric Revelations quest, to find Page XII nestled within.

Enigmatic Page XIII: Merusea Village

Xana, a merchant in Merusea Village, holds the final page… for a price. Trade her one Strange Part (obtained from hidden World Quests around the village after completing Ancient Colors) and Page XIII is yours!

With all pages collected (even partial sets are welcomed!), venture back to Canotila and the Book of Revealing. Return the fragments and earn your well-deserved prizes: three magnificent chests – Luxurious, Precious, and Exquisite – a testament to your dedication and perseverance.

That concludes your guide to the Enigmatic Page locations in Genshin Impact. So, gear up, explore the Fontaine region, and uncover the mysteries hidden within the pages scattered across this mesmerizing world.
