Need MD5 Hash Function for Excel – with usability like a formula function

Question : Need MD5 Hash Function for Excel – with usability like a formula function

 I need a function that will take an entire cell value in Excel and convert the value into its MD5 hash equivalent in a new cell. I have seen several comments about using VBA or other software. However, I am not real familiar with VBA. I would like to have a function that works like the other Excel functions where I can say something like “=MD5HASH(CellAddress)” in the Excel Formula bar where CellAddress is the cell I want converted.

Is there such a function? Or, is there a way to take the VBA script and make it available in that way?

Also, I need the output to be the 32 character format. Below is an example output/input of what I need:

input: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
output: 9e107d9d372bb6826bd81d3542a419d6

Solution: Need MD5 Hash Function for Excel – with usability like a formula function

Ok, you have to go to the VB editor (Alt-F11), right-click on your workbook in the project window, and click Insert->Module.
Then, paste the “code module” portion (except for the “Option CompareDatabase” line) into the window that pops up.

Next, right-click the workbook in the project window again and select Insert->Class Module
At the bottom-left, select the “Name” field, and enter “clsMD5” there

Paste the “class module” piece in the clsMD5 window, once again except for that first option line

Then, going back to the excel workbook window, you can set the formula like you say (=md5hash(…))!

I’ve already done this, so I’m attaching a sample.

md5.xls (100 KB) (File Type Details)