Genshin Impact Navia Best Build: Materials, Weapons, Artifacts & Team Compositions

Genshin Impact Navia best build
Image via HoYoVerse

Navia has captivated Genshin Impact players with her elegant design and powerful Geo abilities. But to truly unleash her potential, you need the perfect build.

Genshin Impact Navia Best Build


As a Geo queen, Navia craves Prithiva Topaz from the Geo Hypostasis and Artificed Spare Clockwork Component – Coppelius from the Icewind Suite. Her talent boss materials reside with the All-Devouring Narwhal. Don’t hesitate to check the linked guide for a detailed breakdown.


No queen is complete without her trusty weapon, and Navia’s signature, Verdict, is truly fit for royalty. This halberd boasts a hefty Crit Rate sub-stat and an Attack boost, but its true power lies in the Seals it grants. Picking up Crystallize shards empowers Navia’s Elemental Skill with each Seal, making her a force to be reckoned with.

For those without Verdict, fear not! The Unforged shines under Zhongli’s shield, bolstering Navia’s ATK. More affordable options like Serpent Spine, Wolf’s Gravestone, and Talking Stick can also pack a punch.

Team Comps

Navia excels in both Main DPS and Sub-DPS roles, making her a versatile addition to various team compositions. When forming your team, consider characters that buff Navia, provide shields, or offer healing while contributing to overall damage. Here are some effective team comps featuring Navia:

  • Navia – Albedo – Xiangling – Bennett
  • Navia – Kaeya – Lisa – Geo Traveler
  • Navia – Yae Miko – Raiden – Kokomi


Artifacts play a crucial role in shaping Navia’s power. Her ideal set is the newly introduced Nighttime Whispers in the Echoing Woods. This 4-piece set grants a hefty ATK buff and explodes with Geo damage after using her Elemental Skill, especially when shielded by a Crystallize shard.

While farming for the perfect Nighttime Whispers pieces, a 2-piece Gladiator’s Finale and Archaic Petra combo can serve as a potent placeholder, boosting Navia’s overall damage output.

When it comes to stats, prioritize ATK%, Geo DMG Bonus%, Crit DMG/Rate, and Energy Recharge. A well-balanced queen is a victorious queen!

Image via HoYoVerse

Teamp Comps

Unlike Arataki Itto, Navia thrives in diverse elemental harmony. Pyro, Electro, Cryo, and Hydro characters are her best friends, triggering Crystallize reactions that grant her a 20% ATK boost (with two of these elements present). Here are some stellar team compositions to consider:

Team 1: Crystallize Symphony

  • Navia: Geo DPS
  • Zhongli/Albedo/Ningguang: Geo support and shield provider (Albedo’s Geo Resonance uptime might fluctuate)
  • Bennett: Healer, ATK buffer, and Pyro Battery
  • Xiangling: Pyro DPS and main Crystallize trigger

Team 2: Hydro Harmony

  • Navia: Geo DPS
  • Zhongli/Albedo: Geo support and shield provider (Albedo’s Geo Resonance uptime might fluctuate)
  • Bennett: Healer and ATK buffer
  • Furina: Hydro DPS and Crystallize trigger (Yelan can replace her, losing the DMG bonus)

Team 3: Noelle’s Geo Embrace

  • Navia: Geo DPS
  • Noelle: Geo healer and Crystallize trigger
  • Yelan/Xinqiu: Hydro DPS and Crystallize trigger
  • Furina: Hydro DPS and Crystallize trigger

Team 4: Electro Charged Crystallize

  • Navia: Geo DPS
  • Yae Miko: Electro DPS and Crystallize trigger
  • Bennett: Healer and ATK buffer
  • Fischl: Electro DPS and Crystallize trigger

With the perfect build and a trusty team by her side, Navia will crush any foe and reign supreme in Genshin Impact. Remember, these are just suggestions, and experimentation is key. So, unleash your inner strategist, refine your Navia build, and watch your enemies crumble before the Geo queen’s might!
