Mastering the Meta: Your VALORANT Agent Tier List Guide for Patch 7.12

VALORANT 7.2 Tier List
Image via Riot Games

Welcome, VALORANT warriors! Want to climb the ranks and dominate the battlefield? Look no further than our comprehensive agent tier list for patch 7.12, your guide to unleashing the full potential of each character in Episode 7 Act 3.

VALORANT Patch 7.2 Agent Tier List

Tier Agents
S Jett, Fade, Sova, and Omen
A Reyna, Raze, KAY/O, Killjoy, Skye, Sage, and Brimstone
B Iso, Chamber, Neon, Viper, Yoru, Breach, Cypher, Gekko, and Astra
C Phoenix, Deadlock and Harbour

Diving into VALORANT’s Top Agents

The Uncrowned Queen: Jett

Jett, the ever-shifting Duelist, reclaims the throne with her unparalleled mobility and aggressive potential. Her ability to dance in and out of combat, snatch kills, and disrupt enemy defenses remains unmatched. Her ultimate, Blade Storm, is a force to be reckoned with, allowing her to slice through enemies even on eco rounds.

The Prowling Shadow: Fade

Ousting Sova from his throne, Fade has risen to become the premier Initiator. Her Haunt ability mirrors the power of Sova’s Recon Dart, revealing enemies through walls and disrupting their plans. Her prowlers and ultimate are potent tools for initiating pushes, making her a valuable asset on any team.

Image via Riot Games

The Mastermind of Intel: Sova

While Sova’s crown might be tarnished, his recon skills are still top-notch. Darts and Owl Drone provide crucial intel, allowing your team to counter enemy strategies. Sova’s damage output rivals many Duelists, and his clutch potential is undeniable. He remains a reliable hero for those seeking tactical dominance.

The Controller of the Battlefield: Omen

Omen reigns supreme among Controllers, thanks to his regenerating smokes and exceptional range. His smokes can instantly conceal vast areas, giving his team complete control over key chokepoints. His paranoia ability can confuse and disorient enemies, while his ultimate offers unparalleled maneuverability for flanking, scouting, or rotating.

Image via Riot Games

The Slayer Unbound: Reyna

Reyna is a Duelist who lives and dies by the blade. Her ability to evade damage, heal herself, and chain kills makes her a terror on the battlefield. However, her lack of direct team utility can be a double-edged sword. Choose her wisely for games where pure fragging power is needed.

Remember: This tier list is a snapshot of the current meta. Agent effectiveness depends on your playstyle, team composition, and map. Experiment, find your favorites, and hone your skills to dominate the VALORANT battlefield!
