New World Crafting Attempt Failed Bug: How to Fix

New World Crafting Attempt Failed
Images via Amazon Games

New World players have been experiencing a bug that prevents them from using a Craft Box, resulting in a “Crafting Attempt Failed” message. Luckily, there are a few things players can do to try to fix this bug.

New World Crafting Attempt Failed Bug: How to Fix

Before we delve into the solutions, it’s important to understand that the “Crafting Attempt Failed” bug in New World can disrupt your crafting process. When it occurs, you’ll receive an error message, and your crafting attempts will be thwarted. But fear not, as there are several steps you can take to resolve this issue.

Fixing the “Crafting Attempt Failed” bug in New World doesn’t require advanced technical knowledge. It’s a relatively straightforward process. Here are the steps to help you get back to crafting without interruptions:

  • Completely log out of New World, and then restart the game. It’s crucial to ensure that the program is entirely closed. Simply backing out to the menu won’t suffice.
  • After you log back in, you’ll be able to use the crafting mechanics without encountering the error message. However, please be aware that subsequent attempts to craft may bring up the error again.
  • If the issue persists, try clearing your game cache and then reopen New World once more.

As a last resort, if the previous steps fail, you can consider deleting New World from your PC and then reinstalling it. While this may be a time-consuming process, it has been reported by some players that a complete reinstallation of the game resolved the Crafting Attempt Failed bug. Be aware that this option may require a significant download time due to the game’s large size.

The Crafting Attempt Failed bug in New World can be a frustrating obstacle for players who enjoy crafting armor and weaponry. While there isn’t a definitive fix for this issue, following the steps outlined above may help resolve the problem. It is important to note that the game developers are likely aware of this bug and are working towards a solution. With any luck, a fix will be released in the near future, addressing this issue and allowing players to enjoy uninterrupted crafting in New World.