The Easiest Instrument for High Scores in Fortnite Festival

Fortnite Festival Easiest Instrument
Image via Epic Games

Fortnite Festival is rocking the battle royale scene, and everyone’s eager to jam out and rack up those points. But with five instruments to choose from, the question remains: which one is the easiest to master, especially for beginners?

The Easiest Instrument for High Scores in Fortnite Festival

Forget the frantic finger frenzy of drums or the rap-god demands of vocals. The bass offers a laid-back groove, perfect for beginners. Its patterns are simple and memorable, like a chilled-out cousin to the drums. No lightning-fast notes or claustrophobic gaps between beats here. Even on the hardest difficulty, the bass lets you breathe, leaving room for error and improvisation.

Compared to other instruments, the bass is a breeze. Vocals can get dicey with heavy rap sections, while the microphone (keytar is song-dependent). The bass, however, is a consistent buddy, offering a steady rhythm that underpins the entire song. You’ll be laying down the foundation for your band, feeling the groove without breaking a sweat.

Of course, mastering any instrument takes practice, but the bass is a forgiving teacher. Its simple patterns are easy to internalize, and even the occasional missed note won’t derail the entire song. Plus, activating your Override for extra points becomes a breeze with the bass’s manageable note density.

So, if you’re a Fortnite Festival newbie, grab a bass and join the jam. You’ll be boppin’ your head and racking up points in no time. Just remember, practice makes perfect, and with the bass as your trusty partner, you’ll be a Festival veteran in no time!
