How to fix the error : Windows Update error 0x800705b4 on Windows 10

Problem : How to fix the error Windows Update error 0x800705b4 on Windows

Window 0x800705b4 error is actually a problem with the Windows Update service, in which Windows Update could not complete its task for a number of reasons.

What is error 0x800705b4?

Windows update error 0x800705b4 is a strange error. It usually appears when you try to complete a Windows update or if the scheduler updates the activation at the specified time.

There are several possible causes for this error, follow 7 steps bellow in solution to try fix this error .

Solution : How to fix the errorĀ  Windows Update error 0x800705b4

There are a few different ways you can try to update Windows 10 properly. Nothing is too complicated. We will start with the easiest and most likely way to succeed.

Note: After each error correction, you should restart the system and try to update Windows again.

1. Run a virus scan : Sometimes Windows errors can lie in malware like viruses and malware. Running a virus scan can help fix that.

2. Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter

3. Reset Windows Update. It is possible that certain components of the Windows Update process have been corrupted for some reason. There is an automated script that you can run (download scripts from Microsoft).

4. Run a System File Checker scan : Using a file checker can be activated by this command: sfc / scannow.

5. Run a DISM scan. You could also try the tool Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM). This tool is less likely to fix the problem than the above methods, but is easy to implement and can fix some potential problems.

6. Change Windows Update settings. There may be an unnecessary component of Windows in the update that is preventing it from downloading. Focusing only on the critical elements of Windows can fix that. Remember, if you turn off Windows Automatic Updates, be sure to turn them back on again when your issue is resolved so as not to miss any important security updates.

7. Disable antivirus software.