How to Complete Warranty Claim Quest in WoW Classic

The path to crafting epic-quality gear during Phase 2 is almost complete, and the key lies in a seemingly cryptic quest – Warranty Claim. This guide will walk you through acquiring the necessary components and completing this quest to unlock your epic crafting potential.

How to Complete Warranty Claim Quest in WoW Classic

Following “Quadrangulation,” Wirdal Wondergear throws you a curveball, requesting a Charged Voidcore with no clear instructions on how to obtain it. Fear not, adventurers! Though the process involves some grinding and a dash of luck, it can be completed in just two steps:

Acquire a Spent Voidcore and a Mote of Darkness

First, you’ll need a Spent Voidcore. These can be farmed from the Naga south of Feathermoon Stronghold in Feralas. Be prepared to fight your way through hordes of these aquatic foes until one finally coughs up the Spent Voidcore. Reaching Feathermoon Stronghold requires traversing the Thousand Needles, accessible via the Great Lift in the Barrens.

The second ingredient is a Mote of Darkness. You’ll need to defeat enemies in specific zones at a fast pace to trigger the spawn of a rare NPC – the Shadowy Figure. Popular locations for this spectral encounter include Strahnbrad in the Alterac Mountains, Mannoroc Coven in Desolace, or the Isle of Dread in Feralas. Vanquish enough level-appropriate mobs, and the Shadowy Figure will appear, offering you the coveted Mote of Darkness.

WoW Classic Warranty Claim
Image via Wowhead

Craft the Charged Voidcore

Once you have both the Spent Voidcore and the Mote of Darkness, it’s time for some alchemy! Combine these two reagents in your inventory to create the Charged Voidcore, the key to completing the quest.

Remember that handy teleporter in Booty Bay that whisked you to Wirdal’s workshop during Quadrangulation? It’s still operational, so use it to return and present your hard-earned Charged Voidcore. With that, the Warranty Claim quest is complete.

By conquering Warranty Claim, you’ll unlock the potential to craft epic-quality gear in WoW Classic Season of Discovery’s Phase 2. So, gear up, adventurers, and embark on your quest for epic crafting dominance!
