How to Install Hyper-V on Windows 11 Home (Without Third-Party Tools)

Want to run virtual machines on your Windows 11 Home PC but can’t afford an upgrade? This guide shows you how to install Hyper-V using a batch script, even though it’s not officially supported.

How to Install Hyper-V on Windows 11 Home (Without Third-Party Tools)

Important Note: This method involves modifying system files and carries potential risks. Proceed with caution, create a system restore point beforehand, and consider upgrading to a Pro version for official support and stability.

Before You Begin:

  • Hardware Check: Ensure your system supports Hardware Virtualization (check BIOS settings).
  • Backup: Create a restore point in case things go south.
  • Alternatives: Consider upgrading to Windows 11 Pro for official Hyper-V support.


  1. Enable Hardware Virtualization in BIOS

    • Power off your PC, then press the designated key (F2, F10, etc.) during startup to enter BIOS. Refer to your system’s manual for specific details.
    • Find the “Virtualization Technology” option (usually under Configuration).
    • Change the setting to “Enabled” and save changes.
    • Exit BIOS and let your PC restart with Hardware Virtualization active.
  2. Create and Run the Installation Script

    • Open Notepad and paste the following script:
    pushd "%~dp0"
    dir /b %SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\*Hyper-V*.mum >hyper-v.txt
    for /f %%i in ('findstr /i . hyper-v.txt 2^>nul') do dism /online /norestart /add-package:"%SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\%%i"
    del hyper-v.txt
    Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Hyper-V -All /LimitAccess /ALL
    • Save the file as hyperv.bat on your desktop.
    • Right-click the file and select “Run as administrator.”
    • The script will install the necessary Hyper-V components. Wait for the completion message.
    • Press Y to restart your PC.
  3. Verify Hyper-V Installation

    • Search for “Hyper-V Manager” in the Start menu and open it.
    • If Hyper-V is installed successfully, you’ll be able to create and manage virtual machines.

Alternative Method (if the script fails):

  • Press Win, type “cmd,” right-click on Command Prompt, and select “Run as administrator.”
  • In the Command Prompt window, type the following command and press Enter.
DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /All /FeatureName:Microsoft-Hyper-V
  • After successfully enabling Hyper-V, restart your PC to finalize the installation.

By following these steps, you can potentially install Hyper-V on your Windows 11 Home machine. However, use caution and consider the possible risks involved. Upgrading to a Pro edition might be a safer and more supported option in the long run.
